Post deployment illness Gulf War

The ground war lasted four days and resulted in 147 battlefield deaths, but almost 199,000 of the 698,000 people who were deployed have since qualified for some degree of service-related disability. Of those, 13,317 people are disabled by "undiagnosed conditions"; Medically Unexplained Symptoms; Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms (MUPS) or Unexplained Symptoms

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cabal at VA Is Killing Veterans

Why is the VA treating the few gulf war veterans who seeking service connection for UDI (undiagnosed illneses)or MUPS (multiple undiagnosed illneses)are being treated and rated like AO veterans ??

This continued off and on for the next 35 years with over twenty requests being submitted to the VA for service-connected disability as by then this veteran had 22 documented diseases covering virtually every system in his body—bones, muscles, nerves, immune, endocrine. You name it, the organ was affected. Every claim that was submitted by this veteran was denied. By now he had four confirmed diseases that were on the VA’s list of “presumptive” Agent Orange diseases—but still he was denied service-connected disability.

This Vietname Vets was able to get non-service connected disability in mid 1999 due to the massive amount of physical damage which kept him unemployed for the better part of 20+ years. By then he had undergone over 80 major surgeries just to keep his body working; arms, hands, shoulders, legs, kidneys and bladder - nothing was left out of the mix. All of his doctors were pretty much in agreement with Agent Orange being the culprit and cause of all of this. But, still the VA denied his requests for service-connected disability classification.

He kept fighting and in 2003 he was finally granted “service-connected” disability—but not for his physical conditions. Nope, the VA re-classified him service-connected disabled for combat-related PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). There was no mention of his physical conditions in his new VA classification। I guess the VA decided that all of his physical problems had disappeared. I sure you care about the hundreds of GW who suffer twenty years later with the only VA rating won is for PTSD.'cabal'_at_va_is_killing_veterans


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