Post deployment illness Gulf War

The ground war lasted four days and resulted in 147 battlefield deaths, but almost 199,000 of the 698,000 people who were deployed have since qualified for some degree of service-related disability. Of those, 13,317 people are disabled by "undiagnosed conditions"; Medically Unexplained Symptoms; Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms (MUPS) or Unexplained Symptoms

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Burn Pits -Oil Well Fires Gulf War

The burn pits in Iraq are just larger version of
the burn pits created from 91 till 2003.
Some 175,000 soldiers who fought in the Gulf War
have lived a nightmare for 17 years. Plagued by
debilitating illness since they deployed in this
theatre. Environmental medicine is not practiced
by military and VA doctors.
The VA and DoD is failing to advertize on going studies.
Veterans have not been told they could use the VA-WRIISC
clinics and hospital directors mis-informed Vets
that they did not have transport money to get to
DC or Orange,NJ

If you are still having problems getting care or
home or other beneifits please contact this Office.
This Committee is asking for written comments from Veterans
This Committee is allowing Vets to speak before them,
during Public Coment Sessions.
This Committee is allowing Vets to Teleconferece -
hearing sessions by telephone. Silence is not an Option !
VA - Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans

Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Policy and Planning (008A1)810 Vermont Ave, Washington, DC 20420202-461-5758 Lelia P. Jackson, Policy Analyst ,

I and others suffer
Please speak up Now!

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