Gulf Syndrome Has Believers in Congress
I am one of the ten percent of humans, call troops/GI, who had adverse health conditions after leaving the battlefield.
Funding Continues for Illness Scientists Dismiss
Gulf Syndrome Has Believers in Congress
By David Brown
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 3, 2006; A01
Fifteen years after the end of the 1991 war with Iraq, a Texas researcher is in line to get as much as $75 million in federal funding to press his studies of "Gulf War syndrome," even though most other scientists long ago discounted his theories.
Epidemiologist Robert W. Haley has been trying for 10 years to prove that thousands of Persian Gulf War troops were poisoned by a combination of nerve gas, pesticides, insect repellents and a nerve-gas antidote. With the help of $16 million in past funding obtained by his backers in Congress and the Pentagon, Haley has argued that his "toxicity hypothesis" is the best explanation for the constellation of physical complaints that many veterans reported after returning from the Gulf.